Smelley Breath?
More than 80% of animals over 3 years of age will show evidence of dental disease.
Usually the first sign of dental disease is bad breath.
This is caused by plaque build up and gum disease which in turn can lead to tartar build up and periodontal disease. The bacterial associated with periodontal disease can cause damage to the kidneys, liver and heart.
We want to prevent the initial plaque build up with home dental care. The best way is tooth brushing but dental chews and food also play a part.
The first step of dental care is to have a dental check by the vet.
We will then discuss the most appropriate dental control for your pet.
Veterinary dentistry is one of the fastest growing fields in veterinary medicine. Recently there have been advances particularly in preventative dentistry.
When your pet is booked in to the vets for a 'dental' then the following procedure will be carried out. The sonic scaler head enables tartar to be removed both above and below the gum line. Teeth are then probed to detect any defects in the enamel or in the tissues holding them within their sockets. Any teeth that are beyond repair will be extracted. Carnivore teeth have very deep roots and the larger teeth have several roots each. A high powered drill enables the teeth to be split before extraction and this reduces the amount of trauma to surrounding tissues. After all necessary extractions have been performed the teeth are polished with another attachment, the high speed polisher. This will smooth out any microscopic scratches in the enamel to slow down the accumulation of plaque and tartar in the future. The mouth is then rinsed and excess fluid suctioned away. All dental work that has been done is charted.
After a pet has had some dental work they will come back, usually a week later, for a check up. The nurse or the vet will check that any extractions sites have healed, that the mouth is comfortable and that the pet is eating. Advice is given too on home dental care. Dental work carried out at the surgery is only the beginning, the most important part of dental care is that which owners can do at home. Brushing your pets teeth is the most effective way of maintaining dental health and veterinary nurses are able to advise clients on the best technique and help them introduce their pet to the toothbrush. Specialised veterinary diets, chews and pastes are also available to help keep teeth clean. Pets teeth will be checked yearly when they have their annual booster but if you ever feel that your pet may have a problem with his or her mouth, or suffers with bad breath then it is definitely worth booking an appointment with the vet or nurse to see if there are any dental problems.